Mindfulness for Stress

As a child into adulthood anxiety plagued my life causing grief, until I met Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction which helped me cope, gain insight and not feel so stressed and overwhelmed.


Mindfulness is great for stress. Stress quickens your heart rate, breathing, raises blood pressure, increases your nervous system activity, ruins your immune system, increases pain and anxiety. Mindfulness can help you navigate the roller coaster life … and anyone can do it, it is available to all. It doesn’t drain your energy; in fact, it re-energizes and is calming.

Now, I’m not talking about just daily brief meditation, which is a great starting point. I am talking about developing mindfulness into a way of living, something that truly transformed my life.

What is meditation and mindfulness?

Meditation involves setting aside specific time to cultivate mindfulness. By focusing your attention on the present moment and actively noting without judgement your thoughts as your mind wanders then bringing it back to focus on the moment without feeling frustrated. This is exercise for the mind will help you with you develop your attention, awareness and acceptance. Then you can move your practice into everyday life, becoming a more open, attentive, less reactive person.

Mindfulness is cultivating awareness, being awake to the present moment, not at the mercy of regret, fear and uncertainty. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is a proven scientific technique to help with anxiety, mental health issues, stress and chronic pain. The most important portion of this process to my healing was arriving at greater awareness through attending to actuality in an open manner. I was able to foster awareness, identify fears and resentments and let them go. This process helped me let go of my problem with the need for feeling in control. I could prioritize, find balance let go of my old self, awaken and take what life offered. This process helped me let go of those thoughts that stormed through my mind. I was able to let go and start enjoying my life, family and friends. Now we teach this technique to many of our patients at Rivus in our dementia, pain, mental health and substance dependence clinics. We offer training in mindfulness to our clients and soon we will be holding classes for the public on meditation and mindfulness at Rivus.

If you’re interested in learning more about this right now, I suggest googling Mindfulness-based stress reduction or try out some great books by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn

Full catastrophe living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness

Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life

Dr. Kent

September 1 AT 4:20PM
Patient Wellness
Written by:

Dr. Kent Smalley




This blog is about the approach we take to patient care at Rivus, Integrative.

First let’s define some terms.

Complementary is something that complements, assists, helps, or adds. Therefore, complementary healthcare is something that can add to conventional medicine or in some instances can be used as an alternative treatment in place of conventional medicine.

Conventional medicine, defined as the medical community’s knowledge, skills, practices used in the maintenance of physical and mental health. In the United States this would include pharmacotherapy, diagnostic testing and interventional medicine.

Now let me define Integrative healthcare.This approach uses the combination of the best validated conventional and complementary methods. It includes a partnership between patient and practitioner in healing and staying healthy. This philosophy considers all factors that influence wellness, including mind, body, spirit and community. This philosophy maintains that we should use natural, effective, less-invasive interventions whenever possible.

This is the most exciting time in healthcare because we have so many great opportunities available which we can take advantage…conventional medicine and complementary techniques.
I like lists, so I’m going to do a very basic breakdown of complementary healthcare opportunities you should consider.

Group 1 –Hands-on therapy – Acupuncture and Massage therapy, any type of therapy that involves touch is very healing.

Group 2- Nutritional therapies – Herbal remedies, supplements and diet changes are less toxic ways to alleviate pain/illness.

Group 3 –Somatic focus – Focusing on the body in a way that leads to meditative and physical benefits – Yoga and Tai Chi are prime examples of this type of experience.

Group 4- Mind-body experiences – Prime examples are mindfulness, meditation.

Complementary techniques can help, especially in combination with other validated methods. Find the guidance you need and take responsibility for your care by thoroughly evaluating these therapies. Check on the training of the provider, consider cost and make sure you have a good attitude towards the therapy before jumping in. What I’m saying here is do your homework.
The best therapy is that which works. Sounds easy doesn’t it, but we still have people doing things that don’t help and not trying out opportunities that may. Find a healthcare provider that is willing to work with you so will not miss out on any great opportunities.
Take Care and best wishes on your quest for wellness.

Dr. Kent Smalley

How Rivus Defines “Wellness”

A belief in wellness and its value to every patient is a central tenet of all our work here at Rivus. But what do we mean when we say “wellness”?

“To flow, move, set in motion”

Our definition of wellness embraces the premise that all wellness is a continuous flow of energy that drives both spiritual (mental) and physical health. Our approach to wellness encompasses the use of traditional medications along with various therapy modes including aroma, pet, psychotherapy, and experiential. These treatments are then individualized to the needs of the client and married up with our understanding of the benefits (and drawbacks) of traditional treatments.

For us, “wellness” is by definition a holistic pursuit, and it must be considered from a 360-degree perspective. This is our approach to treatment, and this is a key benefit we bring to all of our patient relationships.

April 20 AT 4:19PM
Patient Wellness
Written by:


